Our factory is located in China. All orders will be produced and shipped from China.
For all original gowns price over $400, 100% real work. What you see is what you get.Full money back guaranteed.
We provide videos and photos after your order is finished. For some replicas with cheaper price, we will ensure 95% same as pictured. We just want to make sure you will get what you see.We have distributors from all over the world. But unfortunately, some sites are stealing our product photos, product descriptions, even reviews. But they do not purchase from us. They make poor replicas.
Here is an example click here of poor replicas made by other factories.
This is our original, click here. Can you see the differences?
We accept any sizes, including standard size 0-26W, custom measurements, plus size, pregnant size.
We provide you a rich fabric library to choose from. If you don’t like the fabric of the dress or the current fabric does not have the color you like, you can change it to another one and choose your favorite color. Please contact us for more details.
If you do not like some details, such as neckline, sleeves, pockets, lining, transparency, trailing, closure, length, etc. Changing are all free. Longer length may cost more depending on the specific model.
How it works?
Just add your needs to the additional comment box on your shopping cart page, or contact us after placing order via Email or WhatsApp to confirm the details.
Still can't find the style you want?
Found a style you like elsewhere but it's unavailable now?
Don't trust to buy from other websites?
Just tell us what your want! We are professional at custom wedding dresses and formal dresses.
Tell us what you need. Let's make it come true.
Add to cart first, then go to your cart page to write the addtional order note. Or email us your measurements after you place order
Size chart https://www.viniodresses.com/pages/size-guide How to measure https://www.viniodresses.com/pages/how-to-measure No surcharge for custom measurements smaller than US16W. Same delivery time. Please email us the measurements( or send a message on WhatsApp). (Please measure with bare feet) 1.Bust(wear an unpadded bra): 2.Waist: 3.Hip: 4.Shoulder width: 5.Height: 6.Hollow to floor/knee: 7.Height of your heels(if you will be wearing heels): 8.Armpit hole: 9.upper arm girth/bicep(for long sleeve styles): 10.Sleeve length(for long sleeve styles): 11.Shoulder to bust: 12.Shoulder to waist: 13.Waist to floor:
Free shipping: deliver in 5-6 weeks after payment
Standard shipping: deliver in 4 weeks after payment
Expedited delivery: please advise us your event date
Shipping method available: DHL,UPS,FEDEX,TNT,UPS,USPS,etcProcessing and delivery time vary for different styles, different season and different destination countries. For some styles in stock, we can deliver them sooner. For some styles with heavy handwork, processing will take longer. Due to the impact of Covid-19, shipping might be delayed. Please contact us for more information
You can place order online or pay via PayPal invoice
4 interest-free payments with PayPal Pay in 4, split your purchase into 4 interest-free payments with no late fees. There’s no impact on your credit score and it’s backed by PayPal No COD(cash on delivery)
We are a direct-to-customer factory of customized dresses. Duplicating designer dresses with high quality is one of our features.
For all original photos and videos, please follow us on Instagram @viniodress & @viniodressofficialWhile specializing in retailing, we also accept small wholesale orders from group buyers(such as bridesmaids, school or company's evening parties), bridal boutiques, salons, rental shops, etc. High quality duplicate from any designer styles;
Please contact us for more discount.